Meet The Chef
최 상 철 Head Chef
대구 메리어트 호텔 뷔페 레스토랑 어반 키친은 20년이 넘는 경력을 자랑하는 최상철 셰프가 이끌어가고 있습니다.
최상철 셰프는 서울 3대 호텔 레스토랑 중 하나로 꼽히는 서울 웨스틴조선호텔 ‘아리아'에서 대구 메리어트 호텔로 합류했으며, 여러 번의 내부 시식회를 통해 맛의 진수를 한층 끌어올렸습니다. 셰프가 직접 철저한 기준으로 식재료들을 엄선하고 시즌에 맞는 새로운 메뉴 개발과 고객들과의 자유로운 소통으로 항상 더 발전되는 어반키친을 선보입니다.
Urban Kitchen, a buffet restaurant at the Daegu Marriott Hotel, is led by Chef Victor Choi, who boasts more than 20 years of experience.
Chef Victor Choi joined the Daegu Marriott Hotel from the Westin Chosun Hotel buffet 'Aria' in Seoul, one of the top three hotel restaurants in Seoul, and further boosted the essence of taste through several internal tasting. Chefs directly select ingredients based on thorough standards, develop new dishes suitable for the season, and introduce Urban Kitchen, which is always developed through free communication with customers.
Chef Victor Choi joined the Daegu Marriott Hotel from the Westin Chosun Hotel buffet 'Aria' in Seoul, one of the top three hotel restaurants in Seoul, and further boosted the essence of taste through several internal tasting. Chefs directly select ingredients based on thorough standards, develop new dishes suitable for the season, and introduce Urban Kitchen, which is always developed through free communication with customers.